Psychi-artist - Seiciatrydd, arlunydd, ymchwilydd

Rwy’n gweithio ac ymchwilio yn seiciatreg yng Nghaerdydd, ond hefyd wedi bod yn ffodus i brofi llwyddiant yn y byd celf. Mae gen i ddiddordeb yn y berthynas rhwng seicoleg/seiciatreg a'r byd gweledol, ac mae fy argraffiadau yn seiliedig ar themâu fel y meddwl, cyflwr meddwl a hunaniaeth.

Mae fy argraffiadau wedi’u harddangos (e.e. yn Y Lle Celf yr Eisteddfod Genedlaethol ac arddangosfa flynyddol 'Association of Illustrators' Prydain), ac rwyf wedi derbyn comisiynau ar gyfer cylchgronau a llyfrau, ac wedi fy ngwobrwyo gyda grant o Gyngor Celfyddydau Cymru.

Rwyf wedi astudio yng ngholegau celf megis St Martins a Kingston yn Llundain - gan dderbyn gradd dosbarth cyntaf yno - ac yn awr yn ymchwilio'r defnydd o ddarluniau a chyfryngau digidol yn y byd ymchwil, therapi ac addysg ar gyfer unigolion, teuluoedd/gofalwyr, myfyrwyr meddygol, a'r cyhoedd yn gyffredinol.

Rwyf yn arwain y prosiect ‘Cymorth digidol i bobl ifanc gyda’u hwyliau a’u lles’. Ydych rhwng 13 a 19 oed? Ydych yn nabod neu oes gennych blentyn yr oedran yma? Hoffech helpu i brofi adnoddau iechyd meddwl ar-lein? Dysgwch mwy a llenwch ffurflen ar wefan y prosiect.

I work and research in the field of psychiatry in Cardiff, but have also been fortunate to gain successes in the art world. I am interested in the relationship between psychology/psychiatry and the visual world, and much of my work is based on themes such as the mind, mental states and identity. 

My prints have been exhibited (e.g. at the National Eisteddfod and the 'Association of Illustrators' (UK) annual exhibitions), and I have received commissions for books and journals, and have been awarded a grant by the Arts Council of Wales. 

I have studied in art colleges such as Central St Martins and Kingston University, London - where I graduated with a first class degree - and I’m now investigating the use of illustrations and digital media further in research, therapy and education for individuals, families/carers, medics and the general public.

I lead the project ‘Digital support for young people with their mood and wellbeing’. Are you 13-19 yrs old? Do you know or have a child that age? Would you like to help test online mental health resources? Find out more & fill a form on the project website.


Dolenni i fwy o wybodaeth - Links to more information:

Hughes (2018) Representing the Mind. NCMH blog.

Bevan Jones, Thapar, Rice, Beeching et al (2018) A Web-based psychoeducational intervention for adolescent depression: Design and development of MoodHwb. Journal of Medical Internet Research (JMIR) Mental Health.

Bevan Jones, Stallard, Agha, Rice et al (2020) Practitioner review: Co‐design of digital mental health technologies with children and young people. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry.

Fletcher (2017) The psychi-artist. RCPsych Insight. p18.

Bevan Jones, Thomas, Lewis, Read, Jones (2017) Translation: From Bench to Brain - Using the visual arts and metaphors to engage and educate. Research For All. 

Bevan Jones (2017) Behind the picture: Metaphors of the mind. MRC Insight. 

Boag (2014) Metaphors of the Mind. New Philosopher